Welcome to Computer Tutor
Computers are wonderful pieces of technology, if you understand them. That's my goal as Computer Tutor.
Services & Training
Computer Tutor is now completely retired, but I formerly sold, serviced, installed, and repaired PCs and networks, both business and home, as well as provided individualized and group training for over 30 years.
I have also retired from being a part-time adjunct instructor for Southeast Community College.
Spyware & Virus Removal
The Malware Alert Information Series is now available. Learn more about malware: what it is, how it works, and how to protect your PC. Make your choice below. Remember - to stay protected, you need to stay informed!
Malware & Security Alerts!, my newest feature, is now up and running. Just click here to visit it. The latest news about the latest viruses, spyware, and other security alerts, issues, and tips will be posted. Plus, I'll be posting alerts on Computer Tutor's Facebook and Twitter pages. Keep your anti-virus and anti-spyware programs up-to-date and read these alerts!
Not only will I give you the basics of computer hardware, but I'll also share some software tips and techniques with you. There are even downloadable mini-manuals for some software programs. Just click here to see what is currently available.
The new Software Store is a must-see that contains the following categories.
- Antivirus
- Anti-Spyware
- Backup
- Games
- Multimedia
- Security
- Miscelleous
Just click here to check out all of the coupons and sales for many of the featured products.
Be sure to check out the Hardware Info and Software Info. You can even find Computer Product Reviews right here!
The new Tips Page is also now available.
So, bookmark this site and visit it often!
Happy Computing,
Lee De Bevoise, Computer Tutor